20 Oct Job Safety Analysis Checklist
OHS legislation typically requires that the employer conduct a risk assessment at specified times in a work process. Typically conducted at reasonable intervals to ensure at-risk conditions are identified and treated: when a new work process is introduced to a workplace, when a work process changes, or before the construction of significant additions or alterations to a work site.
But what is the best hazard assessment process? There are many tools out there, both paper-based and electronic, but in terms of format and method, few can beat the tried and true Job Safety Analysis. The JSA allows a scope of work to be broken down into manageable bits, sometimes called tasks, or task sequences. By working the JSA format, the hazards that arise from executing the work are identified: once hazards are identified, effective controls can be assigned for each. It’s a simple and valuable process. The JSA is also a tool that promotes team input. No one person sees all things clearly and comprehensively, and team input makes the process collaborative, increasing buy-in. More experience to draw from is likely to create better outcomes.
Our Job Safety Analysis Checklist is a focus observation to health-check your JSA process! The checklist identifies 14 critical items that determine if your JSA program has been effectively implemented and is being complied with. Feeding back compliance results and providing guidance about improving the JSA process is a valuable due diligence activity and a safety management best practice.
The JSA Checklist is a part of our Contractor Management Basics package that contains 10 checklists with more than 130 critical compliance and culture building items. From effective mobilization and emergency preparation to chemical management and supervisor leadership, Contractor Management Basics gives you a measurement framework for ensuring your contractors are doing the right things, in the right amounts, at the right time.
Get the Checklist Now: Job Safety Analysis
To learn more about Job Safety Analysis, visit CCOHS: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/job-haz.html
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