04 Feb Webinar: Your 2021 Account Update
Thank you to those that joined our webinar last month where we took the opportunity to discuss upgrades and functionality that is important for your 2021 CQN account update.
For those that were unable to attend, we wanted to make this information available to all of our subscribers. Click on the link below to download the presentation.
Topics covered included:
2021 Document Requirements
- WCB / WSIB Premium Rate Statements and Clearance Letter.
- New Ontario WSIB requirement: Premium Rate Extended Statement.
2021 Questionnaire Data Update
HS performance (stats page) update:
- Difference between ‘Recordability’ and ‘WCB Claims Acceptability’.
- Definition of Medical Treatment (recordable) and First Aid (not recordable).
Regulatory Compliance Update:
- New guidance for those operating in Alberta – ensure your data input is congruent with the provinces’ regulatory compliance data.
- Key definitions are published on the government’s website, and the database is readily accessible. Please refer to pages 16, 17 of the presentation for details.
Your CQN Evaluation
- We have credentialed and experienced safety professionals that perform our evaluations.
- CQN system does a quarterly review on Section 1. Safe Work Performance (see Evaluation section). Next review is March 31, 2021.
- 2021 data may affect your Evaluation.
- Requesting a re-evaluation can be done at anytime.
Your Two-Way Account
- Importance of prequalification.
- Duties of General Contractors.
- Managing your contractors from within your account, for no extra fee.
- Benefits of the two-way account = turn-key OHS compliance.
- How to get started – use the My Contractors dashboard!
We would love to hear from you; please let us know if you have any questions or would like additional information.
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